DIETARY SUPPLEMENT
                               FOR THE PROSTATE



Valuable ingredients that can be found in plants are polyphenols. These substances are natural antioxidants. Although they can be obtained synthetically, polyphenolic compounds obtained from plants have greater bioavailability and better activity. Most of them have a strong antioxidant effect and destroy free radicals, which is important in the processes of cleansing and regenerating the body. Dietary ingredients, including polyphenols, have anti-cancer properties *. Epidemiological studies have confirmed that increased consumption of polyphenols found in fruits, vegetables, certain spices, soy and its products, red wine or green tea significantly reduces the risk of prostate cancer *.

Polifen U is a dietary supplement containing plant polyphenols from four ingredients of natural origin from various categories: vegetables – broccoli, fruit – pomegranate, herbs – green tea and spices – turmeric, which have a positive effect on the functioning of the prostate to supplement a varied diet with natural polyphenols.

*Dietary Polyphenols in Prevention and Treatment of Prostate Cancer, Rahul K. Lall, Deeba N. Syed, Vaqar M. Adhami, Mohammad Imran Khan, and Hasan Mukhtar, Int J Mol Sci. 2015 Feb; 16(2): 3350–3376.
** Naturalne polifenole w chemoprewencji raka gruczołu krokowego – od badań podstawowych do testów klinicznych, Ewelina Szliszka, Przegląd Urologiczny 2012/5(75)


Broccoli flower and fruit extract (BRASSICA OLEACEA L.) 10% polyphenols – 110 mg,
Turmeric rhizome extract (CURCUMA LONGA L.) 10: 1 – 15 mg,
Pomegranate fruit extract (PUNICA GRANATUM L.) 10: 1 – 15 mg,
Green tea leaf extract (Camellia Sinesis L.) 5: 1 standardized to 8% caffeine – 30mg
including (-)epigallocatechin-3-gallate 2 mg


POLIFEN U complements a healthy and balanced diet. The dosage depends on the type of food consumed. In the case of consuming a large amount of dark green vegetables, fruits and tea, 1 capsule of Polifen U is recommended, and 2 capsules should be used with a diet restricted in polyphenols. Should not be consumed on an empty stomach and if you consume other products containing green tea on the same day. The product should not be consumed by pregnant or breastfeeding women and children under 18 years of age.


60 capsules in a box


F.Klimaczaka 17/80
02-797 Warszawa
